Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Its my berfday biotch

I am officially one year closer to 30. The big 2-6. Which really, isn't that big of a deal, considering that I still look like I'm 18. Ok, maybe not that young but I do look like I'm still in my early twenties.

Last night was a doozie. And I think I'm still drunk. The hangover is scheduled to arrive maybe around 10am. CAN.NOT.WAIT. Yea right. Needless to say I will likely be unproductive today at work.

#2 invited me to the cross-town classic. For those of you that are unfamiliar its baseball, Cubs v. Sox. Both home teams. Across town from each other. IE: Cross-town. And it got rained out. I think it rain from 3:30 - 10:30 straight last night. Regardless of the baseball standings, we still partied as if there was a game. And that party was made easier since #2's roomie was the bartender. We didn't spend a dime.

Shots & beer. Fan-frickin-tastic.

8:30 comes around & #2 gets a text from his brother. Who incidently is with his dad. Who incidently is my boss. Right. They want to meet up. #2 texts the brother that its probably not a good idea since he's with someone that works for dad. Brother likely tells dad. Dad still comes. Meets us at the bar. Its like crickets. All bad behavoir out the window. I became a mute. He stayed for a drink or two then left. I think. Everything gets a bit hazey. I'll need to consult with #2 on the events later.

This morning I enter the kitchen with my arms full of bagels - what can I say, its my hangover food of choice. Big Boss-Man is the ONLY ONE in the kitchen. AWKWARD. It was big smiles, how are you, followed by chuckles. Granted I don't feel too terrible for being semi-drunk/hungover because you can tell in Big Boss-Man's voice that he threw down last night too. Unspoken connection. Although I did edit my verison & tell a couple of people in the office that I ran into him last night at a bar. Left out the detail that I'm f*ing his son. Yea.

Tonight C is taking me out for dinner. I think. He hasn't disclosed what we'll be doing. I think he was a little peeved that I was out with a different guy last night but what are you going to do. He's still into me and texted Happy Birthday bright & early this morning.

My birthday is being expanded over the next 4days. I know, its ridiculous. But I just love an excuse to party. And last year my 25th was overshadowed by weddings. Tonight dinner. Tomorrow dinner/drinks. Friday some friends are coming to the city. Saturday-day the p's, sis & aunt coming in. Saturday evening, friends coming in. And for Sunday, I'm penciling in hangover & beach. If its sunny. Which it hasn't been. For a week. Damn weather...



  1. Happy Birthday!!!

    I was so pissed about the game being rained out last night! Brad is a Cubs fan and I am a White Sox fan so this is the only time we are both completely happy to watch a game together! Here's to hoping tonights game is ON!!! GO SOX!!!
