Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Past Week, with a side of bacon

I have been seriously lacking in my blogging and my stalking - I mean - reading of the blogs that I follow. My work and personal life have just taken off this past week, not leaving any time for personal Internet use...which could also be due to the fact that I only have Internet at work since I'm still living in the stone age at the apartment (sin cable & Internet).

SO since I'm semi-caught up on work - ok, just the big things are taken care of - I decided to catch up on the bloggersphere. And an hour later I'm ready to post. Get ready for highlights from each day:

Shopping at the mall followed by dinner and an Origins facial party at Macy's courtesy of Dani. I found these great shoes * and then proceeded to buy every facial cream/lotion/wash that I tried. Rational: My face is the only thing that is seen every day by the general public....right....
Total cost for the evening: $250 (at least)

C & I hung out near his place, got dinner, sleepover on a school night. During dinner he did comment on how he really doesn't have time to date - way to make a girl feel special. I guess I got the hint that he is not interested in progressing whateverthisis into a real relationship. But at the same time he is still calling and wanting to hanging out. No need to over analyze...yet.

Date #2 with #2. He came out by my area, we got dinner then picked up a bottle of Bacardi at Jewel for some homemade cocktails and a sleepover**. #2 now has the same work schedule as I do - off every other Friday. That could be dangerous. I did clue him into my semi-dating/sexing with someone else to which he said something along the lines of "you should stop sleeping with other people" - as in, I should only sleep with him. I just rolled over at that point, biting my tongue about him being MIA for 3months thus having no say in my life***

Since I was off, I decided to run my errands which included: getting a Chicago city sticker for my car, renewing my driver's license and laundry. Obtaining the city sticker took 2.5hrs of waiting in line with the general public. The line consisted of the following: old man with b.o., guy with white nose hairs extending to his upper lip, sweatpants guy that was leering at my toes. Nose hair guy also was the guy that acts as the Line Police, yelling at anyone who asked where the line started or looked around the corner to see the length of the line. After that I headed to the 'burbs to renew the license, only took an hour which included updating my information, paying the $10 renewal fee, taking the written test (only 1 wrong!), and getting a new picture. For some reason, my photo shows me as extremely tan which I am so not. But it does look good. Thank you DMV camera. Followed by a night of laundry & sleeping.

A's bridal shower in the afternoon. It was the first of many wedding events for this summer. I am a bridesmaid in this wedding and in S's. The shower was nice, although it was a rainy cool day. After the shower L & I went to a wine store to sample some wines then crossed the street to a wine bar for a flight with some cheese. Then to S's for some cocktails before heading to MP's graduation party from pharmacy school. By 10 everyone was ready to pack it in and not take this party to the bars.

The p's were still out of town for a wedding. My sister just got back from a leg on the tour and was sleeping. I turned to the Internet to research a bachelorette party that I'm helping plan for August. Unfortunately, no details since S reads this blog. Once sleeping beauty woke up, we hung out and chatted. Which was a little distracting because Big Sis brought her new boyfriend over and they were pretty handsy. The p's walked in around 12noon and were hungover/tired so the house was pretty lame so I headed back to the city.

C came over for some afternoon delite and stayed for dinner. We decided to make steaks & asparagus. Then in the post-sex grander decided we should head to the store for some bacon to make bacon wrapped shrimp as well. Needless to say it was an orgy of bacon - on shrimp and it even made it on a couple of asparagus spears. C cooked. And it was a bacon mess. The smoke detector went off about 10x and there was grease splattered everywhere from the bacon. But the dinner turned out pretty good, minus the excessive use of bacon. By our second piece of bacon-wrapped-something we were over it. The left overs were removed from the bacon as an attempt to salvage it****

Work is busy. I definitely slacked on Thursday and since I was off on Friday had a lot of catching up to do. This carries over to Tuesday as well.

The ex moved to the city the other weekend. He has been contacting me to hangout and on Monday I finally agreed to it. I went to his apartment to check it out, then for dinner in his area (Lincoln Park). I kept the meeting short and although it wasn't awkward since we had so much to catch up on, it is not something I want to do with regularity. I paid for my own dinner, even though he offered. I declined bar hopping but conceded to a walk around the park. I declined going back up to watch a movie. It was short and sweet, only lasting from 6:30 - 8:15pm. The ending conversation did leave us in an awkward spot. The ex wants to hang out with regularity, which I put the nix to saying that we're not least not yet. To make sure that he knew that I didn't want to DATE him, I asked if he was excited about his new bachelor pad. His response: He was just glad to be on his own. Then I asked if he was dating anyone - No. He asked me - Yes. Then came all of the questions. I answered about 2 as politely as I could, then laughed saying I'd see him sometime soon and walked off. It wasn't a rude ending by any means.

After that, I needed some lovin' so I called C for a drive by pop-in which he was game for. He let me watch cable and we looked up inappropriate things on the Internet for laughs.

Work work work, lunch break at Verizon for a new phone & upgraded texting plan, work work work. Home. Mini S&TC marathon. Steak left overs and Julian's 30day Shred

I am optimistic that The Shred will work. Although it is only 20min long. Which is short. And doesn't feel like a enough time. I may combine it with some running outside (yea right) or biking (more likely) or just another tape.

Nothing planned. I think I'm ready to make my big ticket purchases for the apartment: TV, Laptop, ect. And find a gym in my area.

I turn 26. I'll be ready for multiple cocktails since I'll be officially closer to 30
And it is my off Friday where I intend to head to North Ave Beach for sunning, cocktails and reading (weather permitting) - this is something I hope becomes my summer staple.

*The shoes are going back. They are too tall for work and I have very similar ones in the closet that are also inappropriate for the office. It will be a sad day with that return

**Sex was good. I know, its a little slutty to be with 2 guys however C & I are not exclusive. And I'm being safe.

***Not to mention the fact that he is not actively pursuing me in any way. He calls 1x/week therefore he is not in the running as a serious date.

****Which worked; I had the left overs (shrimp & asparagus) yesterday sin bacon and it was still pretty tasty

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