Friday, April 10, 2009

2 Weeks Notice - Part Deux

I decided to stay.

The offer from CompanyA is not something that I could give up. A promotion. Matching the offered salary from CompanyB. Plus I was also able to negotiate for more responsibilities - I will do my every day job plus work on special projects with the different directors and become more involved in administration within my own department. Not to mention the benefits at CompanyA far exceed CompanyB's. Hello, every-other-Friday-off. Oh how I would have missed you.

I suppose it was a no brainer to stay once they guaranteed the raise and promotion. Unfortunately it wasn't confirmed until yesterday. So it was only yesterday that I called CompanyB to advise I wouldn't be there on April 15th. I had to leave a message. And their office is closed today - Good Friday - so they won't get the message until Monday. A mere 2days before I was supposed to start. Eek.

I feel terrible but it wouldn't have been a smart move to advise CompanyB before the CompanyA offered was set in stone. Right?

Now onto bigger & better things. I officially have the funds to make the move downtown. No excuses. So I have fully invested myself in looking for apartments in the city. I have made appointments and plan to move out by June 1. Definitely before my birthday. Being 26 and living at home is unacceptable.

Plus I got the the needed kick in the pants from Wednesday's little voicemail. Thanks Mom.

Its happening. And I'm happy. And I guess, I'm successful.


  1. Yay for you!! It's nice that your current company wanted to keep you on board. That, to me, is a really good sign!! Good luck apartment hunting!!

  2. Well done! Don't feel bad - just think, someone who is possibly currently unemployed might get a job now that you've turned it down!

    I think you should post pics of apartment possibilities - we can pick for you hehe x
