Thursday, August 20, 2009

The McRib is Back! Or Rather, I am

Whoa its been about a month since my last post. And I haven’t even entered the blogosphere since. Until today. The reasoning for not blogging is beyond me. I forgot. I got busy. I lost my free Internet connection. I became boring.

That’s right. I did. For some reason my life has taken a major turn for the boring. At least during the weekdays. Which is exactly when I was doing most of my blogging. I have no salacious details to tell. No events that I attended. Nothing boy worthy at least. I’ve been a bore. Working. Eating. Drinking with friends on the weekend.

Here is the update:

We’ve hung out several times the past month – maybe like 4. We haven’t really spoken about our current relationship status – if 20 something even do that anymore, I’m not even sure. He had a birthday. Which did not include me in any of the celebrations. He had plans with other friends. Boys only. I did give him the best gift ever though. And no, it wasn’t sex (although we did have sex). The movie “The Dark Crystal” and matzo brittle. Which HE LOVED. C just seems to be trying to move up the ladder at work so he is putting that on pretty thick with me. I get it. You don’t want a girlfriend. You apparently don’t have time. Well don’t come crying to me about how much you like me at 2am you flipping booty call a-hole. Ok, he’s not. But there was about a 3wk stint where he would be no contact then 2am calls after bar close. I never answered. Booty calls are tacky.

On #2
Well. I’m still not sure what went down at the Billy Joel/Elton concert. But I heard from him about 2wks ago. We went out last week for dinner and picked up back where we were. He actually is taking the G-MAT over Labor Day weekend then jetting off to Europe for a 2wk vacation so I probably won’t hear from him for another month or so. Which is fine. #2 is the like the reoccurring rebound guy. He’s fun. He pays. Good in bed. No strings attached.

On Logan
I mentioned him I think once. We went out after a drunken meeting several weeks back. It was a good time but nothing I was excited about. However I think I made quite the impression on him. He has been trying really hard to hang out but I just haven’t been able to make it work. And I have to admit I really didn’t put much effort into it. I think he got the hint. Finally.

On Weddings
Things are ramping up for the weddings! Rose is getting married in about 2weeks and S just had her bachelorette party last weekend. I picked up both of my bridesmaid dresses which shockingly do not have to be altered! It’s a financial miracle. And as a co-party planner for S’s party I am happy to say that it went swimmingly! A trolley pub crawl starting at our 2 bedroom suite in downtown Chicago & ending up at a 80s hole in the wall bar at 2am was like bachelorette party heaven. Even though I dropped a case of beer earlier in the evening, things worked out just fine. The wedding invites have come in and gone out. I’m flying solo to both. No need to bring a guy because 1) I don’t have one to bring, 2) I’m in the wedding so I don’t really need one. This year there are more people engaged or married so I will likely be the only one (with HLo at least) standing on the dance floor for the bouquet toss. But hey! The bright side is that I can do what I want. Fingers crossed for single 20somethings!

So that is the mini update. Work has been slow so I will write tomorrow too. I have had quite a few revelations the past month which I guess I could share. Or not. or maybe I’ll get an invite to hang out tonight which could lead to saucy shenanigans!

1 comment:

  1. First off WELCOME BACK!!
    Second, you can find me here now...
    Third, I gotta give you props on not being C's booty call. You should demand better than that from him or tell him to F off! WTF is his deal!?
    Next, #2 sounds like the perfect fall back guy. Keep him!
    Finally, have tons of fun with your besties getting married. Hopefully, they only do it once, so this is the time to party!! ;)
