Monday, May 18, 2009

Sappy Sunday

This weekend was totally random and quite honestly a little boring. But before I get to that I will give the dirt on #2...and the dirt really ain't that dirty....

At the work function last Wednesday the boss (aka #2's daddy-kins) was there and in full force once the bar opened. Everyone from my office was at the same table and the conversation turned to people's lives & their kids, as they tend to do. #2 no longer lives in the condo high rise in the Loop anymore as g-ma is reclaiming it. He has found a pad in Wrigley. Also, per the big guy, #2 (and I quote) is "unattached" which was followed by a long chuckle. Eventually the conversation turned to me and my new apartment...and the proximity to Wrigley. As we all know the boss brought his son to the boxing match in the hopes we would hit it off, so I am really curious if #2 will "find out" that I moved to the city and give me a buzz. We shall see...Now, back to the weekend recap.

I guess my weekend really started on Thursday when Dani came down to check out the apartment after work. We hung out at my place with a bottle of wine and some appetizers then walked the street to find a restaurant for dinner. We ended up at this cute Italian place that has outdoor seating. Did more drinking and than actual eating. The waitress was kind enough and started bringing us free shots - it was then when we started questioning how high our bill was because not just everyone gets free shots. The shots were some Italian speciality - to me it tasted like a lemon head after all of the sour was sucked off. Delish.

We hung around there for a while (receiving more free drinks & shots) then thought a night cap at the place across the street was in order. I drank a bottle of wine there, harassed the owner to speak in Italian to Dani (she's from Sicily) and then inspected the food that the guy ordered next to me. What can I say it looked & smelled great! Plus he was the wine distributor for the place and at the time I though I'd get to walk away with a free bottle. No such luck. Finally we left, leaving my debit card behind, and I was apparently semi-incoherent once we got back to my place. Dani, the responsible one, was able to drive home and used my GPS to do so.

Throughout the entire evening I was harassing C via text - initially asking if he'd want to meet up, then saying inappropriate vulgar things (abrigded version: i want to f* you & s* you) which got limited responses like: can't, food coma, I'm tired, work tomorrow, etc.

Friday I woke with a start on the couch and had to throw my still drunk ass in the shower. I was able to remember to grab my laundry since I'd be heading to the p's house after work for some quality time with my sister. Work was long and EVERYONE was in the office which was a shock. The big boss even came to me bright and early to discuss a claim matter. I was able to hold my own but if he could tell I was semi drunk/semi hungover he didn't mention it. Work was work, a little less busy than before. Friday hung with the fam, dropped my sister off at her tour bus (Tupelo, MS bound!) then put myself to bed.

Saturday I ran errands with my mom and made a couple of purchases for the apartment: a rug and swagy drapes for the front room. I loaded my car with a bar table/chairs, a poster and my bike then was on the road by 1. Me, a sweaty non-makeuped yesterday clothed girl walked up to my apartment in the middle of a party. It was definitely shameful. Luckily I was coming in the back since I was unloading my car and didn't have to physically walk through the party but I was there and made eye contact with several people. No "hello"s since I was too far away but I'm sure there will be time for that when I'm prepared. I spent Saturday putting together my apartment and cleaning. Then I felt like a loser - the party outside was in full swing and I sensed there was some flip cup action being had. So I read, then when the party died down I watched a movie.

Sunday I slept in and then finished my book. Then I did my nails while watching The Notebook and drinking a bottle of wine. This, was no good and fed into my insecurities with the party people and the fact that I had not heard a peep from C. Nothing. Nada. I decided on Friday that I would refrain from contacting him since I had been abusing my texting previlages all week, but I was hopeful that he would contact me. I'm guessing he needed a break from me and just didn't want to hang out this weekend.

Anywho, after crying during the movie and finishing up that bottle, I confirmed my feelings as a loser and continued my sappy Sunday marathon with Sex & The City. Again, probably not the best idea. It was a lot of drunken self reflection bull: why can't I meet my Mr. Big? why does that happen to me? why hasn't he called? Which we all know is total bs and in the light of a sober day is stupid girl stuff that is not true. Needless to say I put myself to bed around 9.

Today is a new day - and its sunny, much like the weekend was. I plan to hit the gym tonight in order to skip the traffic home. I need to rely on endorphens that don't just come from sex and the gym is another three letter word that can do that.


  1. I'm a bit disappointed in C! How could he possibly decline such an offer!!! I definitely hope #2 comes back into the picture!!

  2. I know WTF C?!? #2 would make things a lot more interesting! Fingers crossed...
