Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret

Has anyone heard of this? It is a book that has been made into a documentary - History Channel style - about the secret to a healthy, happy, and prosperous life. Needless to say my "roommate" got it for me to watch this weekend. She said it would help me with my big decision and perhaps guide me. So I watched it...well sort of since I was slipping in & out of hang-over consciousness.

The Law of Attraction. That is the big secret. You want something, you visualize it and internalize that feeling as if you already have it by envisioning yourself with what you want. Then the universe will bring it to you. There is no time limit on this, it could happen in 30days or in 90. But everyday you must continue to visualize and feel it until it comes to you. You're faith can not waiver, you can not have negative thoughts, not even on one day as it will jeopardize if it will be delivered to you.

My interpretation is that it is a bit of meditation and religion mixed together.

The guy who wrote the Chicken Soup for the Soul books apparently lives by this mantra. He says he visualized making $100k within a year. Then after about a month, the $100k vision came to him - he was to sell copies a book he had already written. Seriously? You're telling me that because you visualized the $100k every day, taking that good feeling into account every morning that you FINALLY realized that you should actually SELL the book you had already written. Hmmm....

I do agree that by being positive you will "attract" more positive attention thus good things will most likely happen or come to you. I am a believer in the "waking up on the wrong side of the bed" mentality. But I'm just not sure I'm buying into the entire "secret" - that the universe will bring your wildest desires and dreams right to your doorstep if you visualize it happening.

So I'm going to try it for 1 month. I'm going to start small, by "attracting" a $2500 gift from the universe...without having to work for it. I will visualize my goal and the associated feeling every morning. I will avoid all bad feelings which may deter the universe from delivering it to me. Lets see if the universe will oblige.

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