Monday, July 6, 2009

Bug Juice...

"...doesn't come in a jar. Bug Juice comes from who you are..."

Anyone (besides TK & Rose) remember that Disney classic? If not, were you living under a rock during your formative years?!? Bug Juice was Disney's attempt at relatity t.v. And it obviously worked on me. Because I love me some teenage reality. Still. To this day. As an adult. Oh how I miss you Bug Juice. You taught me a lot. Luckily for me I lived with TK & Rose in college thus got to watch the TAPED episodes at my leisure. Thank you.

Right now, as I sit eating my huge plate of spaghetti & drinking some vino I'm watching the same old MTV Fat Camp episode that irks me and yet I can not stop! I love it. I tune in all the time. Ugh, if anyone knows what I'm talking about I HATE that girl with the glasses that sits in the infermary ALL THE TIME. UGH. When she sings I want to pull my hair out..."Sweet Home Alabama"...Ugh if I was in fat camp with her I would die. DIE. Or just treat her like eveyrone else did. There are still losers in fat camp. Tear.

UGH her name is Dianne. Gross. Moving on.

Following my Fat Camp obsession, I will turn to intervention (fingers crossed for a new one!). It makes me realize that I love relaity tv. Well, not ALL reality tv. That is something that Rose is good at, not necessarily me. I am drawn to reality (aka TLC) tv for the following: give me your fat, your midget, your addicted, your pregnant & your insane. These reality shows are for me.

LOVE Biggest Loser (while I eat ice cream with my Mom - we conference on this).
LOVE TLC - Although I had to pry my eyes open to finish "mermaid girl" (she was so sweet!) and "tree man" (that was WAY more difficult)
LOVE 16 & Preggers (TGI Marathon this weekend)
LOVE Intervention (please, OD. Please)

Right. So I may not be "normal" I still LOVE this reality b.s.

And its a good thing that it is taking my attention away from the non-sex situation*. Cable came at a damn good time...

*Don't fret my pets - its only a week. BUT I do have news on the personal front. This post is obviously vino induced. You're Welcome.

1 comment:

  1. I love Bug Juice! I wish they would do another round of it, I would so watch those 13 year olds at summer camp :)
