Friday, July 10, 2009

On A Mission

Living alone is totally awesome. I come and go as I please. I don't have anyone waiting around for me. I can walk naked from the bathroom to my bedroom to the kitchen. I just, do what I want.

It has officially been 2 full months of apartment living. And as stated I love it. However, my bank book is dying. Rapidly. I am so low on cash since I am so high on bills. I have multiple bills, on top of loans (car & student), on top of rent. I get paid then payout immediately. Leaving me with around $200 to play with until the next check.

You might be thinking, "Wow $200 that sounds like a lot to carry someone 2 weeks until the next pay day". Well, it may seem that way but when I break it down it never lasts. I have to get groceries. I buy wine, vodka & beer for the apartment (it adds up). I have guests (need to stock up on food/drinks for them too). And I go out. If you can't tell from this blog, I go out a lot. I enjoy it. Its summer. Its my entertainment. I'll hibernate in the winter more I'm sure...

So I have decided on the following in order to save my credit card bill and my cash flow:
1) Limit dining out, unless paid for by a boy
2) Pre-gaming (done)
3) No credit cards* (gas only)
4) Budget entertainment per month (yea right, but I'll try. I swear)
AND my most ingenious idea:
5) Buy a flask

I said it. I have been looking into buying a flask. 8oz please. Narrow enough to fit in my going-out purse. I would love to say I came up with this brilliant idea myself, but alas I did not. We've all heard of people doing this. I've just always filed that bit of info away for later use. And now I know why. And I will use it to combat the high cost of drinks in the city.

The plan is this: Buy flask before weekend. Fill said flask with vodka. Put flask in purse. Take to bars. Order soda or juice. Likely pay nothing or minimal for said mixer. Pour flask vodka into mixer. Sip. Enjoy. Repeat.

I have to say that Dani & I spent about 20min researching places to buy flasks. Surprisingly a lot of stores only sell the 8oz kind online. I figure if I head to a liquor store I'll have better luck. Now, I'm on a mission.

*Another reason I'm so cash poor is likely do to my credit card bill being around $1000 the past two months. All of those purchases were for the apartment & getting set up. SO I should be done with all that and the bill will get back to normal, like the $200 range. That will definitely help with the cash flow


  1. I'm getting a flask too, in all honestly I think that it is the only way that I will be able to stay on my budget plan.

    We're so good at saving!!!

  2. This so cracks me up!! The flask is an excellent idea. For a person as deeply in debt like myself I need to consider this too! I’m really enjoying your blog by the way! Good luck with your flask shopping!

  3. Cash flow always sucks least this summer. The flask is a perfect idea! So smart!! Good luck in the $$ saving. Let us know how it goes...I can always use financial advice! :)
