Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Weigh-In Tuesday - Week 1

So this is going to be my new segment - forgive me for lack of better term. In an effort to not get any fatter I am going to do weekly weigh-ins for 1 month starting today. And I will give an update on what I'm doing or planning on doing, or did not do to help myself along. I'm hoping that it will make me feel more accountable for what I put in my mouth, versus keeping it all a dirty little secrety to myself. No lying allowed.

Ok here goes:

9/15/09, Week 1, 144lbs.

After the first rounds of weddings I was ampted to start back up on the healthy lifestyle. Plus gaining the 10lbs since May really pissed me off. So I actually kicked off this little game on Friday 9/11. I went grocery shopping for fresh produce and PLANNED MEALS IN ADVANCE. And little to no carbs for 2weeks at least.

After a $140 bill - yea I'm just one person - I brought my goodies home and set aside time to cook meals in advance. Essentially, to make my own frozen dinner options. My thinking is this: I won't use hunger as an excuse to skip the gym in the evenings. I will have my food ready, I just have to take it out of the freezer in the morning & let it defrost in the fridge then heat it up. It will cut cooking time down by like 75% and I can still get out the door by 6:30 for the gym.

On Friday I made: ground turkey breast meatballs, stuffed peppers with some of the said turkey mix, 3 chicken breasts, and roasted veggies. Individually packed it all & stuck it in the freezer.

On Monday I decided to have chicken & veggies for a stir fry before going to a class at the gym at 7pm. On Monday I got annoyed with the traffic, which makes me think I'm hungry, and ate a snack of cereal, string cheese, and a can of soda. Then after 15min ate the stir fry and watched tv. Never once getting off the couch until bed time. I can't even stick to the plan for the first day.

BUT today is a new day. I have set aside salmon & will make brocolli. Then I have a class at the gym at 6:30pm where my gym buddy A will be meeting me. Having someone else that is expecting me there will be a big help of getting off the couch and getting moving.

Fingers Crossed....

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on your weight loss & healthier living goal! I need to make myself accountable...that would help A LOT!!!
