Monday, June 22, 2009

Dextox Monday

Last night was the worst night's sleep I have had in quite some time. I was hot. I was sweating. I was tossing & turning. I had involuntary leg movements and huge boughts of anxiety the wrenched me up from bed. It wasn't until about 5 o'clock this afternoon that I realized I probably was going through alcohol withdrawl. Right. Its to be expected when you drink yourself under the table for 7days straight. Got to love week long birthday celebrations.

Friday night was jammed packed with bottles of wine, great food, followed by vodkas and more shots. And plenty of them. Here are a few highlights:
* Dinner at Carnivale
* Free drinks for a good friend of S's
* After hours at my place
* #2 being so drunk he tripped, knocking down my table and falling to the ground stricking his head on a corner of a bookcase. It was a little bloody, BUT the next morning it was hilarious. And it looked like he had a dent in his head. No worries he was just fine.

Saturday turned into an all day vodka orgy since the p's didn't make it with my new purchases. A tree fell on the house. No damage to the house but its still a pain in the arse. Saturday Highlights:
* Road sodas and the car ride to the beach
* Austrians singing me "Happy Birthday" in German while we sipped from Old English 40
* Drinking vodka/oj straight out of the vodka bottle
* My sister meeting C
* Falling in the shower - I bruise like a peach!
* The girls coming in
* Shots upon shots, upon shots...
* Dancing with 19 year olds who admit to loosing their fake ids. Did I mention I just turned 26. Riiiiggghhht......
* Taking the rickshaw - actually spotting it outside the bar, and running to it mid sentance with L. At least this ride was only $20, not the $50 HLo, L & I paid a couple of weeks ago...we were drunk...very, very drunk
* Passing out on the couch, later to find out that SOMEONE drew hearts on my face with lipstick.

Sunday I was dead to the world. Until I got a call from my mom: They were on their way with my aunt. Holy Hell. Sunday was 8hrs of putting together my entertainment units, tv, dvd/cd/ipod thingy, and hanging things on the wall. Then dinner. Then C. Then the shakes.

This week I have vowed no alcohol or crap food until Friday. I even stopped by the grocery store to get my produce on after work. After playing around with my entertainment center I went to do dishes and OMG I totally reach for the open wine bottle to draw myself a drink! I stopped myself though. Then ate chocolate. One vice for another...

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