Monday, June 29, 2009

What THE....

Mother-f'er. I found three - THREE - more. Just about 15 minutes ago. Long. Wiry. And white. All on my head. Near the part. Close to my face. And no, it didn't look like little highlights.

I am going grey.


Not even one week after getting closer to 30 do I start sprouting greys. GREYS. At 26. Do you believe this shit? Well I don't. But I do. Because I have the proof. In my hand at this very moment. All of those little buggers have been pulled out. In addition to the TWO that were pulled out last week. AFTER MY BIRTHDAY - of course. Closer to 30....of course. And now I get to tell my kids when mommy went grey. And I get to scare the shit of them. I curse you family gene pool.

I should have known that something was a-brewing. If I'm honest with myself, I knew my mom started going grey early. And now, at 52 she is all grey (but has a great hair colorist so you'd never know!). Not to mention what happened about 3wks ago that should have tipped me off....

C was over to cook dinner. As I was bending over my awkward kitchen counter to get to the window and open it C laughingly says "Hey there Silver Fox".

I stopped dead in my tracks, "What the fish*, C?"

He proceeds to tell me that the sunlight caught a piece of my hair in such a way that there was a gleaming white hair. I, of course, ran to the bathroom and scoured my head searching for that little bastard. None to be found. So I chalked it up to him being dim-witted boy that doesn't know a sun kissed brunette or natural highlight if it smacked him across the face.

I was wrong.

And now I'm crying inside.

*"What the fish" a very popular saying made up by the lovely S. I stole it approximately a year ago when my resolution was to not swear any more. This however did not work, as I just added random phrases and texting lingo to accentuate the swears. And it annoyed people. For instance, BAB's husband - he said he would rather listen to me ramble like a trucker then hear "OMG" one more time. Thank God. Exactly what I needed to snap out of the juvenile lingo. I love the "f" word. But this saying "what the fish" has stuck. I heart it and can use it at work without feeling bad. Silver lining people. Crap...silver. Like my hair...oh no

1 comment:

  1. I have 7 grey hairs...I'm keeping them. I think that if I pull them out they will grow back with vengences.
