Friday, June 26, 2009

Hangover Friday

Happy Friday! I, unfortunately, am at work today. And as you can see I am diligently working....rrrriiiiiiggggghhhhttttt. But my hangover won't let me and no one brought in hangover bagels. A-holes. So I blame this post on them, my co-workers.

So I have some random things to post about today. Welcome. And enjoy...well, maybe.

1) I don't get tan less swim suits. What I mean is this: no tan lines. I mean (1) who wants a burnt crotch and (b) how do you put on sunscreen in a public area. I'm pretty sure that you can't just dab a little on your nipple or cooter when there are children around. Or old people. Or that guy that goes to North Ave beach and sits with his "d" hanging down his leg facing towards you...

2) C & I had another perfect evening together on Tuesday. I could SO fall for this guy...if he could get it right in the sack. Right, well that's my bad. Its not like I don't enjoy what we do but I would like to orgasm too and not take care of myself afterwards. He doesn't know this. But, I digress. We picked up a bottle of wine Tuesday then walked to the lake (not the beach-beach) after making a steak dinner. It was this little park and it was all cement stairs to the water. The weather finally cooled down by evening and we just had a great time being goofy (ie: reading the x-rated personal ads and laughing at them, yes...AT THEM).

C) I went to a movie with the ex on Wednesday. It was inevitable that we would hang out. He moved here too; we saw each other about 3wks ago. BUT the good thing about going to a movie is that it leaves little time for chatting. SO it was a good thing. We saw The Hangover which was pretty funny shit. I recommend it. Two thumbs up by JD

D) WTF MJ died. Like he had a cardiac arrest at 50. Right before his comeback tour (so glad I didn't throw down for those tickets). I kinda believe he O.D.'d. Ok totally far fetched since they say CARDIAC ARREST however, drugs can induce that. AND I think he was so tired of people suing him. The latest being that model that was in the Thriller video...didn't she realize he was broke. I mean, Neverland Ranch was foreclosed! RIP MJ. RIP.

5) As a side note; I love MJ's music. I have been jamming out to it lately and the only silver lining about the whole thing is that the radio is playing it nonstop. WHICH I LOVE.

6) #2 came over last night. And after dinner, and 4 bottles of red wine, I told him it was time to cut things off. A little bit of a rewind is needed here first before I go on...

Last Friday night as apart of my drunken b-day bonanza #2 & I met up. He later came over to my place for some after hours and we had a pretty intense convo. Basically he didn't realize that I was DATING someone, he just though I was f-ing randoms (ick). I proceeded to tell him that if he was up for it, I would dump this new guy and be solely his. To which he said was a bad idea, he wasn't interested in a "relationship". Which led me to yell a little then to sex....I'm easy, what can I say.

ANYWHO: He came over last night, we cooked dinner, drank than had that discussion. He stayed the night and when I dropped him off this morning I said something like "see ya" to which he got all serious. He was all "is this the last time I'll see you" and I was all "no, well yes, lets make out" and he was all "ok". Then he got out of the car. Its a little sad. Honestly, I am tearing up right now. WTF! Not cool. I hate myself a little for that... \

But the good thing is: I choose C, my life will be less complicated, and I will be pampered by that sexy sexy man. What girl wouldn't love all of that.

7)In my attempt to save money I am cooking. And actually enjoying it. Granted, I'm not making chicken stuffed whatever but I am putting things in the oven. And using the stove top. Without the smoke detecor going off. Thankyouverymuch.

8) I feel naked today. I forgot my phone at the apartment. I was about 15min out and was very close to turning around BUT that would mean about an extra 45min to the commute (15 back, 15 to where I was when I turned around, the 30 with the increased traffic). I hate this.

Now the phone is ringing. Damn work!

Thanks for reading my randomness!

Truly yours,

(look it up if you don't know)
(but if you don't know what PYT is, I don't think we can be friends)

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