Friday, April 17, 2009


Us Chicagoans have been lucky enough to encounter a streak of actual spring weather. Thursday through Saturday is projected to be sunny, clear, and warm. Compared to the icy rain and 30degrees a mere 4 days ago, anything over 45degrees is considered a win. But being in the actual 60s and 70s is an act of God. Its just plain exciting. And after the mounds of snow that were dumped on us this past winter we're all itching to get back outside.

Which brings me to my interesting texting with C yesterday. It was the first real form of communication since the "date" on Monday/Tuesday morning*. To set this up, yesterday it was 65 and sunny. The context is a little lame but there is a bigger idea here that he totally missed...asking me out Friday night (today). Let's see if you smart readers can grasp this wonderful set up that I put before him and that he didn't catch on to...

Here we go:

C: What a nice day! Hope your near a window and not stuck inside

Me: I'm loving it! Have the best view in the office. Can't wait to get out of here to actually enjoy it. Hopefully you're not stuck in your car.

C: I was for a bit but at least I can throw the windows down! Got big plans for this great weather?

Me: Not really, maybe a run or biking? You?

C: Nope...just got to the gym & then maybe chill outside somewhere

Me: And to think that tomorrow is going to be even better

C: I know, I know...the fact that its Friday makes it almost perfect!

Me: Perfect for tapas & sangria

C: That is very specific but it does sound good

Hello?!? C, that was your cue to ask me out. It was spoon fed. Hand delivered. Out there for the taking. Yes, yes I know he might already have plans or whatever. I know he is going to the Cubs game on Saturday. But that just means a day of binge drinking with a little bit of baseball thrown in the mix. No one needs to be rested up for that, or worried about being hung over from the night before. BUT COME ON! To not even broach the topic of plans for Friday night. Gesh. What does a girl have to do here?

Eh, I guess the bright side is that he was thinking of me. And for now, I suppose that is good enough. Its considered a win.

*C texted on Tuesday that Tiny, a Harlem Globetrotter we emailed on Monday, wrote him back.


  1. LAME-O! I agree, you totally gave him a wiiiiide open window on this one. Sometimes, tough, you just have to assume they're a little slow.

  2. Now, call me ridiculous, but I would've taken his text as him being up for it and thinking you'd invite him? How about it?? Just saying :)

  3. Ahhh what a dumb ass! Honestly guys can be slow and sort of stupid at times.
