Monday, April 6, 2009

The Trolley Diaries

As promised, here is a brief rundown of Friday night - aka The Trolley Diaries.

The night started off promising. Pre-gaming at bday girls apartment equaled chugging beers and taking Jello Shots. When we walked in the party was already started and I have to admit I noticed C right away. He must have noticed me too (it wasn't hard, the party wasn't THAT big) and worked his way over to me. After about an hour the trolley came and it was GLORIOUS!

On the trolley C took the seat next to me although there were plenty of free ones. We continued our party of Miller Lite, Jello Shots & Birthday songs on the trolley to our first stop: Cans in Bucktown.

It is what it sounds like. You can get practically any type of canned beer - for only $3.50ish. Not too shabby for the Chi. I however am a snob and went for the vodka sodas. They did have the best lanturns however - Modelo cans! 45 min in the bar then I was the first back on the trolley to hit up that free beer.

Next Stop: Redmon's in Wrigleyville. This is considered - no, it IS - the Wisconsin bar. Wisconsin as in University of, in Madison. Shots shots shots. And a lot of potty breaks. There was a small incident - rewind 6mos ago ----

While hanging out with the same group we came to Redmon's. I met this guy who is a friends of one of the girls boyfriends. We hit it off - talking sports, life, careers, etc. The only problem, I was happy clown/sad clown that night. Not all my own doing. The ex's best bud called me and wanted to meet up. He was up the street at a bar that one of our - no, their - friends own. So he came. With the ex. It was so drama (read: my own drama, equals me being happy & sad in the same moment, equals to me hiding in the coat room with the attendant crying). The drama carried over to when they left too. And onto this poor bystander that I was chatting with.

Needless to say we had a drunk makeout session followed by me asking if he remembered my name (name this movie: "what's my name bitch") - which he didn't. Honestly, I don't think I remembered his but it ended with me blowing up and ignoring him the remainder of the evening. Then there was the full blown crazy exit - as I'm getting into the cab I screamed "Maybe you should remember my name next time". Classy. REAL classy.

Ok, back to Friday night - the above guy was there. I did my best to ignore him and was doing great until he got on the trolley with the group. He walked straight up to me, hand out for a hand shake and introduced himself. It was too much. My eyes met L's and we busted out laughing. The next morning I found out from the boyfriend of the girl that he was all set on walking up to me at the bar and saying something (snotty I'm assuming) but he went up to the wrong girl! Ha.

By the third bar Shooters everyone was hammered drunk. The group got split up and half of us were dealing with the birthday girl. I was one of those participants. She was smashed. Unable to stand without assistance. We did our best to salvage the situation - and avoid being kicked out - but the water was not working and even with 2 people holding her up on either side it was no use. She was going down. Every minute. Luckily a good friend of hers took her home after about 5minutes of this. We all stayed though...she's fine. DON'T JUDGE.

It was at this bar that C asked for my number. We discussed hanging out soon - like Saturday. However, on the walk back to a friend's after bar close I was stuck on the fact that C was chatting with another girl in the group too. A ginger - I mean, redhead. So in my drunken stupour I kept saying: "That damn Ginger" about every 5minutes anytime we discussed C & the possible date.

Luckily I was not too hung over the next day - yes I wasn't completely sober for the drive home, but who is the next day. Like I said I was a good girl - no puking (check), no fighting (check, check), no blackouts (check) and no drunk kissing! This is good. Its the first time in a while that I haven't been a drunk lush. I guess I'm getting out of that "I-need-attention" phase. I'm growing as a single girl and becoming confident again.

Saturday afternoon C called. He wanted to go out to dinner that night or anytime before Thursday since he'd be going home (Cincinati) for Easter. I declined dinner on Saturday - no need to rush into things, plus a little anticipation never hurt anyone - and suggested Tuesday. He's calling tonight to go over details and restaurant ideas he has. I think I am overly excited for this since it's the first date-date in a long time. Its not the "oh-crap-we-were-drunk-lushes-and-I-should-probably-hang-out-with-you-sober" type of date.

I'm growing people, I'm growing.

*Disclaimer: I am a huge fan of "The Princess Diaries" (1 &2), thus this is where the title of this post was inspired by. Yes I know I'm 25. But I always stop to watch it when its on tv. I can't help it. It could be worse - I could always stop to watch "Road House" - actually, I do. Whatever, I'm sure you have your own dirty little movie secrets!

1 comment:

  1. Well done for holding out on Saturday night - I'm not sure I could've said no! x

    P.s mine is the Ice Princess!
