Friday, April 3, 2009

Loss for Words

I got nothing. This week has been an emotional roller coaster with the whole job situation that I have nothing of interest to say. So instead of making a well-rounded post I will be posting my random thoughts of the day. Welcome to the inner thoughts of JD. Brace yourselves.

- Sausage. I feel like one. I have been eating myself into food comas most days for the past two weeks + no regularity at the gym. At least I'm only up 5lbs and not the 10lbs I was expecting when I stepped on the scale this morning. Plus, the weight tends to go to my boobs first. I suppose I should wear a low cut top tonight to take advantage

- Poop. Everyone does it. And it is to be expected that it will happen while you're at work. I mean, you're there more than you're at home. But please, please go to the last stall. I don't want to have to walk past your funk 2x's

- Hands. Wash them. I see you. I noticed. You're not washing them. Not with soap. And 5seconds under water doesn't count. I don't want your pee hand germs to transfer to me. Ugh, I guess I'll take that paper towel with me to the door...

- Party. Its the weekend. I survived a 5day work week. Tonight should be fun - trolley pub crawl downtown Chi. Coolers full of beer. Jello Shots. Pub specials. No lines. And no cabs. I'll drink to that...and pass me that strawberry jello shot to boot!

- Rent. Apartments. I'm looking online. Wicker Park & Bucktown area. Found several that are affordable and in the prime party - I mean safety location. I'll have to wait for L to go with me to walk/look around since she knows the area like the back of her hand. I also need to learn how to parallel park...

- Job. Still debating. But I think I'm pretty close to a decision. I will know more on Monday as to what CompanyA is going to do. It would be pretty awesome not to have to give up my every-other-Friday-off. Man, I'm a bastard. Debating between 2 jobs when so many are without. I suck

- Sun. 2 days of it then we're back to square one next week - snow. Will it ever end? Its April for fuck's sake

- Nails. I filed them. At work. I'm so productive

- Cookies. There is always something in the kitchen at work. Yesterday & today cookies. I think I've had about 7 today. 3 for breakfast and 4 sporadically - ok, every time I go in the kitchen/fax room. Shut it. I know I'm not helping the "sausage" situation

- Bachelorette Party. I'm on the planning committee. Have some really good ideas. Sent about 20questions to the bride-to-be to get an idea of what she wants. Jager & Patron shots may not be on her list

- Monday. That's when I'll stop eating crap & get my ass back in the gym. The week is shot anyways. Oh - you got some Swedish Fish? Hand them over. I think I feel my chin growing...

- Vacation. Would be nice to be on Spring Break. Those damn kids have it so easy. Bastards.

- Stop. Please. I don't want to hear about your beanie baby collection any more. Or your fucking guinea pig's surgery. For over 20minutes. I turned my back to you and began working over 10minutes ago. Did you not get the memo? Plus you're over 35 years old. This scares me. And don't crowd the cube. Its made for one

- Sex. Will I be having any soon? No, no. I told myself that I would be good. No #2, plus he hasn't called. But if he Anyone else? No one. Remember the goal: meeting a boy semi-sober and no sex until after a couple of dates. Fuck. I'm fucked. Wait, no I'm not...damn

- 3pm. Almost there. 1.5hrs left of work.

- Rock.Band. A new proud owner. Right here folks. My "roommates" will be pretty pleased with this. Ugh I have to wait about 15hrs before I can even play! Most likely by myself. I wonder if I should have friends come over to my parents' house tomorrow. Does that sound weird? Am I 12? Yes. Yes I am.

You're welcome.

1 comment:

  1. I would rather be talked to about baseball and Jesus...

    Ill to crazy lady from next door office that doesn't wash her should of mentioned that she also pees on the floor.

    Thank god the weekend will start in 22mins!
